Category: Race Info

Knee Knacker 2021 Update – January 15, 2021

Hi Knee Knacker Community, Happy New Year! Here’s hoping you are healthy and happy. Here’s also hoping we can hold Knee Knacker 2021! With plenty of uncertainty these days, we want to be open with you about our current thinking and plans and give insight into what’s happening behind the...

Knee Knacker 2021 Update – December 15, 2020

Hi Knee Knacker Community, As 2020 is drawing to a close, we wanted to give you a quick update on our plans for the 2021 race. As most people are aware, we cancelled the 2020 race on April 3, 2020. Race entrants were given the option to carry over their...

Knee Knacker 2020 Cancellation

Hi Knee Knacker Community, Here’s hoping you and your families are safe and healthy. This is the message you may have been expecting but were hoping wouldn’t come. It’s become clear that, in light of the current global pandemic and in an effort to protect the health of our community,...

Knee Knacker Update – July 1, 2019

Hello Knee Knacker Runners!  Happy Canada Day! I hope your training is going great and that you’re feeling a bit fatigued but strong and are into taper mode. This email has a bunch of info so settle in and read on. There’s plenty underway at ‘Knee Knacker Central’ – over 200...

Knee Knacker Update!

Hello Knee Knacker Runners! With 2 ½ months until race day, things are movin’ + shakin’ at Knee Knacker Central! We’ll keep you posted with updates on our site + fb/insta over the coming months and please reach out to me at any time. When people ask what keeps me coming...