Knee Knacker 2021 Update – January 15, 2021

Hi Knee Knacker Community,
Happy New Year! Here’s hoping you are healthy and happy. Here’s also hoping we can hold Knee Knacker 2021!
With plenty of uncertainty these days, we want to be open with you about our current thinking and plans and give insight into what’s happening behind the scenes. This will give you time to plan, train, or opt out, and we’ll do our best to keep the updates coming. Additionally, in the next few weeks, we’ll send out a short survey to all 2021 runners to get your input on what is important to you, what option(s) are the most appealing and if you have any suggestions or ideas. It’s important that we maintain our community connections and that we create something meaningful.
Before I dive into details, I want to thank each of you who keep the Knee Knacker spirit alive – I appreciate that you’ve reached out. I also want to give a special shout out to our Knee Knacker Committee – Zoom calls aren’t nearly as fun as being able to get together to plan, eat pizza and drink beer. Yet everyone continues to show up, even knowing the extra work involved this year. My heartfelt thank you to our amazing crew.
Our starting point is we will hold Knee Knacker 2021 in person if we can do this in a way that is safe and contributes positively to our community. In order to stay within provincial guidelines, this likely means we will need to be flexible in how we run the race. We are currently open to the idea of a staged start (with extra timing mats), a significantly reduced number of runners, limited / different aid stations and no party-in-the-park. We realize this will substantively change our historic “Knee Knacker experience”, but it will also make it all the more wonderful when we can have full celebrations again.
A few things to note:
- As previously communicated, if you were selected in the lottery for 2020, you are automatically in for 2021. You don’t need to do anything at this stage other than start your training.
- There were 12 people who opted to have their entry refunded last year so we currently have 250 people registered for this year.
- We will not be opening any further entries for this year. We realize this is disappointing to those of you who aren’t in, but we want to be upfront and not raise hopes here.
- For current entrants, we will give you the option to use your 2020 entry either this year or 2022. This will spread out the field and give you maximum flexibility on when to use your entry. There is no action needed at this point as we still have to figure out how we will do this to keep it simple for all.
Over the coming weeks and months we’ll continue to provide updates and we look forward to keeping connected. We’ll also highlight our amazing sponsors and for those who are interested, re-start our fundraising options for North Shore Rescue.
Enjoy the trails,
On Behalf of our Knee Knacker Committee.