Author: Ran

Training run report – Sunday, June 9th 2019

The weather continues to cooperate on the Sunday training runs and this was very much appreciated on this long out-and-back between Deep Cove to Mountain Highway. Salomon West Vancouver was on hand with their latest shoes available for those who wanted to try them on this 4-6 hour training day....

Knee Knacker Training Run Report, May 26th 2019

Well….the Knee Knacker organisers did it again….they managed to align the weekend weather window with some of the most favourable conditions for this long climb up to Hollyburn Peak and back. Saturday’s rain clouds dropped everything they had on the North Shore and left Sunday morning with clear and blue...

Knee Knacker training run report – Sunday, May 19th

The weather forecasters managed to get it wrong on this long weekend, and instead of the predicted drizzle, we had perfect conditions for our run up the side-side of Grouse (the front-side being the BCMC/Grind, the back-side being Haynes Valley). The sky was clear, the temps were in the mid-teens,...

Training Run Report, Sunday May 12th 2019

We had a nice break from the heatwave that sat on the West Coast for the past few days. On this Mother’s day training run, the clouds moved in and brought some welcome cool air and shade. As it has happened in previous years, the group starts to grow with...

Knee Knacker Training Run Report – May 5th 2019

The inaugural 2019 Sunday training runs kicked off this weekend. As it is on the same day as the BMO Marathon, the turnout was light….as expected….about 27 runners. Almost everyone knew the trail, so the pre-race briefing was short and we were off for a great morning run under sunny...

Knee Knacker Update!

Hello Knee Knacker Runners! With 2 ½ months until race day, things are movin’ + shakin’ at Knee Knacker Central! We’ll keep you posted with updates on our site + fb/insta over the coming months and please reach out to me at any time. When people ask what keeps me coming...