Training run report – Sunday, June 9th 2019

June 09 2019 training run at the memorial connector. Photo by Salvador Miranda.
The weather continues to cooperate on the Sunday training runs and this was very much appreciated on this long out-and-back between Deep Cove to Mountain Highway.
Salomon West Vancouver was on hand with their latest shoes available for those who wanted to try them on this 4-6 hour training day.
About 40 runners turned up for the training run, while some others were participating in a trail race on the Sunshine Coast. The Baden Powell trail was in great condition…not too wet, not too dry….and there were quite a few others enjoying the day. Mountain bikers, dog walkers, hikers, photographers, etc…
While the vast majority of our group had a good training day, a couple from our group had to contend with injury. A recurring knee issue sidelined one person (he was comfortable walking and managed to get back to his car under his own steam), while another person took a fall that necessitated a trip to the ER, some stitches, and some concussion protocol. It is a sobering reminder that it is important to have a running companion. Sometimes it is worth slowing down until the person behind you catches up…it may only be 30 seconds or a couple of minutes at most, but it is cheap insurance.
The Quarry Rock section proved to be fairly busy, but not as busy as the previous week.It’s great to see so many people participating in the great outdoors, but it is congested. Although it can be a bit frustrating to slow down, it’s important to be good trail ambassadors and respect everyone’s right to the trail. Some of those kids hiking to Quarry Rock today, might get turned on to the trails and become tomorrows Knee Knacker participant….or a future race director.
Enjoy the trails and I’ll see you on Sunday.