Cleveland Dam and Panorama Park race day photos from VFK

To quote Justin, a two-times Knee Knackerer finisher, “I am in that post race week obsession with the website pictures.”   Here are a few more. Below are VFK photos from Cleveland Dam and Panorama Park on race day. Cleveland Dam:   Family and friends gather to cheer runners (midpoint of the...

Race day photos from Memorial Connector to the Panorama Park

“The final 2 1/2 km is probably the longest 2 1/2 km in any ultra I have done. Having already covered the better part of the three North Shore mountains, you can hear the finish line announcer and you finally believe “you’re almost there”….but like a bad dream, the trail...

400m from Panorama Park race day photos from Ron Nicholl

“The last 400 meters of trail before the finish area in Panorama Park is  always a favorite area to photograph. The runners sense the finish and even though the legs are tired they know accomplishment is near and the corresponding facial expressions are fun to record.  This is the second  year...

Hyannis KK Saloon race day photos from BJ Bruder

“Belly up to the blue freezies at the KK Saloon folks! The Hyannis crew did not disappoint this year with costumes and it was evident this wasn’t their first rodeo. From perfectly displayed ju-jubes to a cool sponge bath, the cowboys and gals were an inspiring group. From my several...

Race day photos from Hollyburn Connector

“After the big descent and quickly stopping from some refreshment at the Cypress aid station, there comes this very technical, dark and humid section with lots of ups and downs (more ups than downs), plenty slippery wet roots waiting for your distraction, rotten and lose wood planks, steep creek crossings....

Black Mt. Biergartan race day photos from Nathan Starzynski

“As runners neared the top of Black Mountain, the sound of the vuvuzela grew louder. Music played in the trees, and a festive celebration was taking place at the summit. Spurred on by cheers and encouragement, smiles were aplenty as runners caught sight of the Black Mt. Biergarten banner. The...