Author: Ran

Knee Knacker Update – 3 Weeks to go!

Hello Knee Knacker Runners! With 3 weeks until race day (we’ll all be celebrating at the Party-in-the-Park at this time!), I hope your training is going great, that you’re feeling a bit fatigued but strong + you’re looking forward to taper time soon! This is the ‘email of reminders’ and we...

Support the sponsors that support Knee Knacker

For those looking for something to do after the Knee Knacker, how about supporting Bridge Brewing’s Growler Run on July 28th!!! Only 60 spots in total, so don’t miss out on this super fun event. Also, don’t miss out on supporting this great sponsor of the Knee Knacker. They have been...

In Memory of Brian Hughes

We are mourning the loss of a good friend, colleague, and running partner. Brian Hughes was killed last Friday, June 1st while riding his bicycle to work in North Vancouver. He was only 54. Brian caught the running bug while training for his first marathon to celebrate his 40th birthday and...

2018 Trail work party information

Join us for our 2018 trail work party to give back to the trails we love to run on! When: Saturday, June 2nd from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Where: Kilmer creek on the Baden-Powell trail. Meet: At the eastern end of Braemar Road in Lynn Valley, North Vancouver. That is the dead end...

Join our team of volunteers!

Less than two months to race date! The sun is out, the training runs are packed, and we’ve got an event to put on! Most of the volunteer spots are already filled, but we do need some more committed folk to help out at or around the finish line area....

Knee Knacker Update – 5 things to know this month!

Hello Knee Knacker Runners! With 2 ½ months until race day & our 30th Knee Knacker celebration, things are movin’ & shakin’ at Knee Knacker Central. Following are 5 key things we think you’d like to know about this month: 1. Sunday Training Runs – Start May 6th! It’s that time again to connect...