Historical Stats Updated

The links below will lead you to pages with charts, summaries and detailed results for the Knee Knacker from it’s inception in 1989, and now also including the 2008 race.

Drop Bags and Transportation

Drop Bags Drop bags will be provided at packet pickup & can be dropped off at the start (look for the pickup truck by the registration table). These will be transported from the start to the halfway point, Cleveland Dam, for your use and then to the finish line for...

Banquet Info

Hello Knee Knacker Ultra-trailrunners, Volunteers and Guests! It’s less than two weeks before the BIG DAY. Here are the details for the 2009 Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run Celebration Banquet

RSVP for Banquet

Race Banquet The Race Banquet is a very special part of the Knee Knacker and we encourage all participants, volunteers, friends & family to attend