Trail Day Report – June 5, 2010

“Don’t worry, I’ve got a big job for you guys.” Prophetic words from Graham Knell, North Vancouver District’s Trail and Habitat Coordinator. But not to worry, thirty-five Knee Knacker participants were more than up to the challenge of tackling one of our most ambitious Trail Day projects to date. The...

Training Run – June 6, 2010

This was one of those training runs that the experienced Knacker-ers look forward to with some trepidation. Known as a “character builder” the training run is a simple out-and-back from Grouse Mountain to the top of the Seymour Grind (or for the truly determined…Old Buck).  It is an exercise in...

Black Mountain Trail Update

Here’s an update on the trail conditions in and around Black Mountain, as well as the Cypress to Hollyburn section, from Knee Knacker veteran Darren Lauscher (9-time finisher): Just wanted to pass on a trail update about Black Mtn. A group of us did it last Sunday and the snow...

Race Weekend Accommodation

Are you looking for a place to stay on Race Weekend (July 9/10)? The Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites is pleased to offer a Knee Knacker special rate of $149/night – a discount of over 20% from their normal summer rates. They are conveniently located just by the Second Narrows...

Training Run Photos – May 30, 2010

Iron Knee racers may have been inadvertently included in these sets of Knee Knacker training photos.    If you were running on the trail and we did not see a bib number, you were dubbed a Knee Knackerer for the moment.  🙂 East of Mosquito Creek – Set 2 (Howard Ryujin) East...

Training Run – May 30, 2010

Rod was injured. Gilles was in Quebec enjoying true summer weather. Glenn had the opportunity to run 50K on the Juan de Fuca trail on Vancouver Island, but was going to miss it because he takes his commitments to you seriously. Given that I planned to drop in for my...