Tagged: Eagle Bluffs

Up! Up! And Away!

“Up! Up! And Away! From just above sea level to the top of Black Mountain in less than five kilometres! Crazy! It really is quite a spectacular feat when you consider that this is typically a whole race for some people. With Knee Knacker, it’s only the beginning of an amazing...

It’s a Fine Line to Black Mountain

“The Knee Knacker starts off with a near 4,000ft vertical ascent of Black Mountain up and into the Cypress Mountain ski resort. This is just one of the things that make this race such a classic, and so hard to nail your best time on the course. Come over the...

Ode to Eagle Bluff

“I’ve just ascended straight up the side of a mountain, climbing over scree, talus fields, and giant boulders. At no time did I see anything that even remotely resembled an actual trail. Perhaps there was a trail there once… Before it got buried under several tons of rock by an avalanche...

Eagle Bluffs race day photos from Ivan Yastrebov

“At Eagle Bluffs finally, after we ascend the seemingly unending and relentless steep climbing! We know we still have to climb to the top of Black, and that there are other climbs in the program.  However, they will a lot easier and shorter than what’s been up to here.  Unfortunately, due to...

Race day photos from cloud covered Eagle Bluffs

Cloud (not smoke) blanketed Black Mountain and Eagle Bluffs on race day. No views were to be had but the music rocked as the Aid Station recruited Black Sabbath to serve the Knee Knackerers. Karen Chow’s race day photos from Eagle Bluffs are here.

Watch and experience the 2014 Knee Knacker race

With race day just over two weeks away, we figured this is the perfect time to share some inspiration. A huge thank you to Jeff Pelletier for putting together another fantastic Knee Knacker video and to Dave Melanson for capturing footage from our 2014 event. Enjoy!