Knee Knacker Countdown – 100 days!

“100 days is a great time period for achieving goals. It’s a sufficient block to achieve progress, but short enough to leave no room for procrastination which leads to a greater likelihood of success”, from Inc. Magazine (Bill Murphy). There’s lots going on at Knee Knacker Central these days &...

April 4, 2018 – Training run photos from Cleveland Dam and Grouse

“Neither rain nor cold nor muddy trails will stop these runners.” Salvador Miranda’s training run photos from Cleveland Dam can be found in this photo album. Karen Chow’s training run photos from Cleveland Dam and Grouse can be found in this photo album. Note:  The proceeds of all photo purchases are donated to North...

Be water

“Be water…” Flow rather than run… Stride lightly over the top rather than in the valleys Breathe deep, relax and let go of your fear… …Andreas Waldhaus,  2 times Knee Knacker finisher Photo credit:  John Reynolds

All you can do

“Roots! Rocks! Moss! Trail shoes! Hemlocks! Packs! Cedars! Tattoos! Pain! Sweat! Smiles! Snorts! In the forest with Polk-a-dot shorts! Wear what you will. This day is for you. Embrace the work. It’s all you can do.” …Poem written by Tom Craik, 6 times Knee Knacker finisher Photo credit:  BJ Bruder

Remember to smile

“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius. And always remember to smile and have lots of fun.   …Pargol Lakhan, 2017 Knee Knacker finisher. Photo credit: Herman Kwong