Category: Photos

2022 Knee Knacker Race day volunteers

This is the last set of 2022 Race Day photos. It’s a photo gallery of some of the 249 Knee Knacker volunteers as they: Pawed, roared and offered refreshments to runners as they climbed Black Panther Mountain; Cheered and smiled despite the bugs covering Cypress Aid Station; Ran Cleveland Dam...

2022 Race day photos from Cleveland Dam by Kira Wu

  Kira Wu’s race day photos from Cleveland Dam are in this photo album.      Note: The proceeds of all photo purchases are donated to North Shore Search and Rescue.  Each photo is a digital download (without the KKNSTR watermark) for $2CAD.

2022 Race day photos from Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve by Andreas Waldhaus

Spreading Christmas cheer at Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve 3/4 Checkpoint and aid station.   Andreas Waldhaus’ (2 times Knee Knacker Finisher)’ race day photos from Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve Checkpoint and Aid station are in this photo album.   Note: The proceeds of all photo purchases are donated to North...

2022 Race day photos from base of Grouse Mountain by Herman Kwong

“The Saturday Knee Knacker was a success.  I am so excited to be the volunteer photographer again this year.  After the pandemic event cancellations in the last few years, Saturday was a joy to see KK again.  It is nice to see some familiar faces, meet new members and have great...