Author: karen

9 Sleeps until Registration Opens

“While some people count the sleeps to Christmas, others of us count the sleeps until Knee Knacker Registration opens on December 31st. After that, we count down the sleeps to lottery night on February 2nd, 2017. And, whether we got in or not, once the lottery hangover wears off, we...

Prerace Glow at the 2016 Start line

“With smiles like these you’d never know the Pacific Ocean was falling from the sky that morning. #preraceglow”   …Tom Craik, 2016 Race committee member   “Registration for the 2017 Knee Knacker Lottery will open on December 31st, 2016 and close on January 31, 2017 (2359 PST).  The lottery will be held...

Rain Reigns Supreme at the 2016 Start Line

1992 – Year of the Gunman 1999 – Year of the Snow 2012 – Year of the Mud 2014 – Year of the Heat Wave 2015 – Year of the Forest Fires 2016 – Year of the Squall What will 2017 bring? “Registration for the 2017 Knee Knacker Lottery will...

Witches and Warlords bewitched Black Magic Mountain

At the peak of squall, Witches and Warlords climbed to Black Magic Mountain aid station to cast their magical spells to ward off the torrential rain.   To aid runners,  they whisked a cauldron of elixirs to send runners down Black Mountain in a blink of an eye. Who will the runners encounter at the top of Black Mountain...

2016 Knee Knacker Race Volunteers

This is the last set of 2016 Race Day photos. It’s a photo gallery of some of the 250 Knee Knacker volunteers as they: Whisked a cauldron of elixirs on Black Mountain; Cast magical spells to ward off the torrential rains on Black Magic Mountain; Ran Cleveland Dam aid station with the...

Eagle Bluffs race day photos from Ivan Yastrebov

“At Eagle Bluffs finally, after we ascend the seemingly unending and relentless steep climbing! We know we still have to climb to the top of Black, and that there are other climbs in the program.  However, they will a lot easier and shorter than what’s been up to here.  Unfortunately, due to...