Category: Training Runs

May 5 training run – Allow time for parking at Grouse Mtn

If you’re going on the May 5 training run, allow extra time for parking at Grouse Mtn. The free gravel parking lot was filling up fast by 7am today (!!!) and the overflow gate wasn’t open yet. If you can’t park in the overflow section of the gravel lot, you’ll...

Banner photos to inspire your training runs

Did you notice that we changed the website’s banner photos to feature various 2012 training runs? Don’t be surprised if you appear in a future banner photo as our intrepid photographers will be joining as many training runs as possible, looking for the best  vantage spot and praying to the...

Check for training run updates before you go

Sometimes there are last minute updates to a training run (eg. where to meet, where we’re going) so before you leave for the run, check the website or our Facebook community page for announcements. This applies to the Wednesday runs (updates on Facebook) and the Sunday runs (Facebook and website). Most...

July 8, 2012 – Training Run Photos – He saw, She saw

Karen Chow’s training run photos around Panorama Park (Finish Line Area) are here. Andrew Wong (“He saw”) who was taking photos west of Indian River Road had technical difficulties and deemed his photos were “bleagh”.  🙁 Have a great run on Race Day!    

He wrote…

Knee Knacker Training Run June 24, 2012 I know, I know….it’s been long overdue. Here we are at the final stages of training for the 2012 Knee Knacker, & I’m finally managing to get down to typing out a “weekly” run report. Apologies to anyone who’s been expecting to get...