Category: Trail Day

Trail Day on June 20 for trail work and good karma

[June 18 update – The Trail Day crew is fully booked! If you still want to sign up, sorry, you’ll have to wait for the next Trail Day, later this summer.] When you use a trail, do you think about how it’s maintained? If the trail’s in good shape, it’s...

Knee Knacker at work

We carried stuff. We hammered stuff. We critiqued everyone’s hammering technique. We looked for rocks. We dug. We tested. We found lost racers. We drank coffee and ate muffins. We built stuff! Yes, it was another fantastic Knee Knacker Trail Day. (Longer report to come.)

Trail elves needed for June 21 Trail Day

You’re running on the Baden Powell when you stumble into a group of people moving dirt and rocks, digging trenches, carrying lumber, whistling, and eating muffins and drinking coffee. Are they: constructing a tree fort for Habitat for Humanity; creating a new section of trail to make the race-day route...

Trail elves at work (it never ends!)

Ever wonder what Santa’s Elves do in their off season?… and how they pass the summer? Well they make themselves moderately useful by keeping the North Shore trails clear of downed trees and branches! Have a look-see at some of their handiwork from near Nelson Creek, on the initial section...

Trail update – situation near Start line and Glenmore Drive

Just over a week away from Race Day and there are some surprises on the Baden Powell Trail which we’re working on: A big tree is down on the trail about 20 minutes from the start line, a few minutes past the footbridge. We’re hoping to remove it tomorrow. There...

June 8 – Trail Maintenance Day Photos – They built

This is the twentieth year of Knee Knacker Trail Maintenance Day.  A new boardwalk was built and trail drainage was improved on the Baden Powell Trail east of Hyannis Drive. Check out the photos from: Set 1 – East of Hyannis Drive (Karen Chow) Set 2 – East of Hyannis Drive (Andrew Wong)...