Category: Photos

June 23 – Trail Maintenance Photos – They built

Check out the Trail Maintenance Photos. A new section of the Baden Powell trail was created (east of Hyannis Drive). Andrew’s trail maintenance report will be posted soon. Trail Maintenance Set 1 – Photos by Andrew Wong Trail Maintenance Set 2 – Photos by Karen Chow Trail Maintenance Set 3 –...

June 10 Training Run Photos – We Saw

Check out June 10 Training Run photos from: 9 Bridges (Panorama Park) – Photos by Andrew Wong Entering Indian River Road – Photos by Howard Ryujin Exiting Indian River Road – Photos by Karen Chow East of Mount Seymour Road  – Photos by Karen Chow

June 3 Training Run Photos — He Saw, She Saw

Check out June 3 Training Run photos from: Intersection of BCMC and Baden Powell trails – Photos by Andrew Wong Intersection of Skyline and Baden Powell trails – Photos by Karen Chow Seymour Grind to Hyannis Road – Photos by Karen Chow

Smile! Photography models wanted

The Knee Knacker photo team is looking for a few veteran (2 years +) Knee Knacker runners to participate in a photo shoot this weekend! Your photos will be used to promote the race. You must be familiar with the BP trail as we’ll use your knowledge to find the...