Category: Photos

March website photographers

This month’s website header photos were taken by Karen Chow, Graham Johnson, Dave McKie, and Howard Ryujin. If you want the full version of any header photos, go to the photo archives to search through the SmugMug albums.

This month’s photographers

You may have noticed that we’re changing our banner photos every month. Just to keep things fresh, you understand. For February, we’ve dug into the photo archives to select a few from Wolf Eilers, Damien Murphy, and Karen Chow.

More Race Day Photos

Here are our last set of race photos: From various photographers:  Some of the 250+ Knee Knacker Volunteers making it happen on race day From Karen Chow, slo-mo photos from Knee Knackering in the Snow.  When viewing these photos, you should use the ‘Slideshow’ setting at its fastest possible speed for the best experience as the images...

More Race Day Photos from “She saw”

It is illegal to drive and talk on a cell phone in BC.  After what happened during the Seymour Grind photo shoot, I am extending this ban to include cameras too.  While waiting for the first runner to come though, London Drugs called to confirm the photo order. While on...