Climb High
“That moment when you reach Eagle Bluffs and realize that the biggest climb of the day is behind you… there’s no high quite like it.” …Hilary Matheson, race day photographer Photo credit: Hilary Matheson
Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run
Saturday, July 12, 2025
“That moment when you reach Eagle Bluffs and realize that the biggest climb of the day is behind you… there’s no high quite like it.” …Hilary Matheson, race day photographer Photo credit: Hilary Matheson
The RD: Race dedication Smooth running of the event It is in her blood …Haiku poem written by Keith Wakelin, 2001 Men Winner, 24 times Knee Knacker finisher First time Knee Knackerers: will it get in your blood? Photo credit: Salvador Miranda
2017 Knee Knacker start line. Will you be toeing the line on July 14, 2018? Check out the lottery results live at Knee Knacker Facebook page on February 5, 2018 at 7:30pm PST. With his witty and lyrical banter, Tom Craik will entertain you as he announces the 270 names selected in the lottery. Samples of Tom’s entertaining FB posts from 2017:...
Last year these fine folks got 5 of out 6 thumbs up by Cleveland Dam. That’s a lot of “Like”. This year’s lottery will be hosted on Knee Knacker Facebook Page, February 5th at 7:30pm PST. Give us a “thumbs up like” if you hope to see your name on that entrants...
Black Mountain aid station is always a treat. In 2017, the runners were greeted by the Black Mt. Biergartan aid station crew who donned dirndls and lederhosen to provide liquid refreshments and other treats. What will the runners experience in 2018? Photo by Nathan Starzynski. Reminder: Knee knacker lottery closes January 31st, 11:59 PST....
I met Shane Collins in early 1989, via a mutual ultrarunning friend. Over the next few months, we collaborated on a project that was one of the most significant of my life – the inaugural Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run on June 24, 1989. Shane passed away earlier this...