Category: Community

May 10 – Training run photos – She saw

Note:  All photos can be purchased as a digital download from our SmugMug site for a nominal fee of $1 (US) for each picture.  All photo proceeds generated from these sales are donated to North Shore Rescue.   Karen Chow’s training run photos from Lynn Headwaters are here.      

A fireside chat with Tom and…

Let’s play “Guess who?” The stud I’m thinking of grew up in Newfoundland. He holds the third fastest Knee Knacker time and his best friend’s name is Roxy. His wife ain’t no slouch in the ultra community and he’s an engaging speaker and one funny dude. Also, his beard may...

Thank you volunteers, welcome Scott Galloway, and reminders

Volunteers Hello all. A big thank you to our wonderful volunteers who come back year after year. It is heartwarming to see people registering as volunteers 5 months in advance of our race! It’s a big commitment and to have more volunteers than runners says an enormous amount about our community....

Race day photos of the 2014 Knee Knacker volunteers

Dennis Marchant (Knee Knacker Volunteer Coordinator) compiled these volunteer statistics for the 2014 race: 209 course volunteers between the start line and the finish line Plus: 20+ North Shore Rescue team members 21 (or more!) volunteers at the post-race banquet 10 volunteers at the Thursday and Friday package pick-ups Total:...