Author: karen

Greenwood Road (West Vancouver) race videos from Alice Mathieson

“As we start crossing the streets of the British Properties we know we are about to complete the first half, and we nervously check the time.  We more or less guess the time we’ll cross Cleveland Dam, multiply that times two, and guess the time we’ll cross the finish line.  But...

Runners lining up at the Start Line Video by Alice Mathieson

After months of training, the runners lining up at the start line.  Will the training miles be enough to get the finish line?  The energy, anticipation and nerves is palpable in the runner’s faces as shown in Alice Mathieson’s video found in this photo album. Note:  The proceeds of all photo purchase are donated to North Shore Search and Rescue.  ...

LSCR race day photos from Graham Johnson

“A great day for a walk in the park….. Or take some photos of incredible runners! I frequently hear a thank you for coming out, which makes it all worth it. That and any money that gets raised for a great cause. Thank you to everyone.”…Graham Johnson, photographer Knee Knacker...

Finish line videos from Tom Lucas

Tom Lucas (5 times Knee Knacker finisher) volunteered as a finish line timer on race day.  He decided to record as many finishers he could during the race.  There are 79 finisher videos sorted by finishing time (some with multiple finisher).  Most of the video title page,  you can  see the timing clock to...

Eagle Bluffs race day photos from Hilary Matheson

“The sun peeked over the edge of Cypress Mountain as runners crested the Bluffs, and temperatures rose quickly (along with the bugs). I sought to capture the emotions that each racer was experiencing as they neared the top of the first big climb of the race and their tired legs...

Cleveland Dam and Panorama Park race day photos from VFK

To quote Justin, a two-times Knee Knackerer finisher, “I am in that post race week obsession with the website pictures.”   Here are a few more. Below are VFK photos from Cleveland Dam and Panorama Park on race day. Cleveland Dam:   Family and friends gather to cheer runners (midpoint of the...