Tagged: race day

Important Info about Knee Knacker Aid Stations!

We are going GREEN this year! The first half of the race will have no cups @ the Aid Stations.  What does this mean for you? You will need to bring something that can be filled such as a collapsible cup, flask, water bottle, hydration bladder or other container of your...

You have 1 Week + 1 Day to RSVP to the Party in the Park!

Our Party in the Park is New and Improved this year! All racers, volunteers, friends and family members who are planning on joining us at the “Party in the Park” and eating the catered meal, must RSVP by June 30! Additional tickets can be purchased for family members or friends at...

The Homestretch

“What goes through the mind of a runner after a very tough 45k of effort, concentration and sometimes rough weather like last year, and with only three more kilometres to go? Exhaustion, yes, but also the adrenaline that gives you the confidence that your legs will manage the final descent...

The Lillooet Jump

2016 Race Day:  Jump!  East of the Lillooet Aid Station and past the 3/4 mark, runners jump for the camera while they still have the energy!   …Alice Lam, 2 times Knee Knacker Finisher   Glenn’s training run report from last Sunday (May 21) described a notorious territorial grouse, high snowbanks, heat and dodging...

2016 Volunteers along the Memorial Connector Trail

“A race like this one could simply not be held without the generous participation of so many volunteers: organizers, permit negotiators, course flaggers, course marshals, aid station volunteers, pre-sweeps and sweeps, first aid, and of course photographers!   As runners we are deeply grateful to all of them, and we are...

Snow Grooming

2017 has been a fantastic ski season.   What does mean for the snow conditions along the Baden Powell trail on race day? “The way things look now, it will be nowhere near 1999 unless there are many more serious storms in next few weeks followed by unseasonable cool weather in...