Tagged: Panorama Park

Finish line videos from Tom Lucas

Tom Lucas (5 times Knee Knacker finisher) volunteered as a finish line timer on race day.  He decided to record as many finishers he could during the race.  There are 79 finisher videos sorted by finishing time (some with multiple finisher).  Most of the video title page,  you can  see the timing clock to...

Race day photos from Memorial Connector to the Panorama Park

“The final 2 1/2 km is probably the longest 2 1/2 km in any ultra I have done. Having already covered the better part of the three North Shore mountains, you can hear the finish line announcer and you finally believe “you’re almost there”….but like a bad dream, the trail...

2017 Race finisher photos from Sarah Irvine (Finish times from 7hrs to 10hrs)

Sarah Irvine’s finisher photos between 7hrs to 10 hrs can be found in this photo album.   For photos with finishing times before 7hrs, please see this post. All finish line photos are a free digital download without the KKNSTR watermark.   The photos are sorted by finishing times.  To download your free photo, select your photo. ...

Panorama Park Kids Race and Award Ceremonies photos

Here are Karen Chow’s photos from Panorama Park kid’s race and the award ceremonies: Kids Race Photos: Determination and effort starts young. Award ceremony and other photos:  Notable awards and “Cohorts of 2017”. Note:  The proceeds of all photo purchase are donated to North Shore Search and Rescue.   Each photo is a digital...