Tagged: Black Mountain

June 25, 2017 – Training run videos and photos from the first half

Here are Karen Chow’s videos and photos from the first half of the Knee Knacker. Video at the Start:  The energy of the group at Nelson Canyon Park.   Thank you runners for the enthusiasm. ? Black Mountain videos:   Runners demonstrating snow running technique during the descent from Black Mountain.   Missed some runners because the “record off”...

June 25, 2017 – Training run photos by Salvador Miranda

What a weather contrast from last week’s training run.   From cloud, mist and rain to blue skies and heat!  The snow is quickly melting at Cypress.  Whether it will be gone by race day, we will know in less than two weeks. Salvador Miranda’s training run photos as the runners climb to Eagle Bluffs are in this...

June 18, 2017 – Training run video and photos by Salvador Miranda

Per Glenn’s training run report last week, “I don’t want to jinx the upcoming training runs, so I will not mention how amazing lucky we’ve been with the weather so far”. Fast forward one week.  Wet, rain, drizzle, mist, soggy,  slushy snow and wind chill summed up this Sunday training run.   Below...

Up! Up! And Away!

“Up! Up! And Away! From just above sea level to the top of Black Mountain in less than five kilometres! Crazy! It really is quite a spectacular feat when you consider that this is typically a whole race for some people. With Knee Knacker, it’s only the beginning of an amazing...

Downhill Dash

“Nimbly scampering down the rocky section on the other side of Black, careful not to blow out our knees and quads too early at this stage.  Gotta save some zip for the rest of the run.”   …Sandra Wada, 2 times Knee Knacker finisher.