Category: Trail Day

Shovelling snow in July!

The snow in higher sections of the course has lingered longer than usual. Several creek crossings along the Hollyburn section of the course has had many of us concerned. On Saturday morning, a Glenn, Michel, & Andrew headed out to tackle the trail with shovels & ice axes. They managed to...

June 4 Trail Day Photos

It was sunshine and smiles all around as twenty-one members of the Knee Knacker community worked under the guidance of the District of North Vancouver to improve a section of the Baden Powell Trail. Many thanks to everyone who came and helped, and a shout out to race sponsor Delany’s...

Sunshine for Trail Day!

It looks like we have sunshine for Saturday’s Trail Day! Our goal, according to Graham Knell, is to lift a section of the BP trail “out of the mud”. This should be interesting. Details for Trail Day are here. Hope to see you on Saturday! Andrew Wong, Trail Day Coordinator

June 4 Trail Day – Work Party Details

Hi, everyone! This year’s Knee Knacker Trail Day, on Saturday, June 4 , will be on the Baden Powell trail near Hyannis Drive in the Blueridge area (see map below). We’ll be working under the guidance of Graham Knell, North Vancouver District Trail and Habitat Coordinator. You don’t need any...

Trail Days – June 4 and more

This year’s first Trail Day will be on Saturday, June 4. For that session, we’ll be working on a section of the Baden Powell Trail under the guidance of the District of North Vancouver. It’s a great chance for you to give back to the community. More details for the June...

Trail Day Report – June 5, 2010

“Don’t worry, I’ve got a big job for you guys.” Prophetic words from Graham Knell, North Vancouver District’s Trail and Habitat Coordinator. But not to worry, thirty-five Knee Knacker participants were more than up to the challenge of tackling one of our most ambitious Trail Day projects to date. The...