Category: Community

Start a Conversation on the Knee Knacker Facebook Group

Did you know we have a Facebook Group page? You can use it to start a conversation with the Knee Knacker community. Maybe ask for a Saturday training run partner, speculate if french fries are a valid source of carbs, join the collective funk about our “spring” weather, or just...

May 22 Training Run Report – She Said

Despite having a mix up with our meeting place, we still managed to organize the posse of about 40 runners and take off into the trails by 7:45 am. Not bad, considering nearly some of our group was parked at the dam at 7:30 and needed to high tail it...

May 22 Training Run Report – He Said

Blame it on NYC. I had missed the previous week’s training run due to travel, but I made it back home in time for the Last ½  run  on Sunday from Cleveland Dam to Deep Cove….or so I thought. Or rather….I wasn’t (thinking).

Dog Lost on Baden Powell

Message from Laureen Griffin: My dog, Sparky, a 14 pound cock-a-poo was staying with a friend in Blue Ridge and escaped from her yard on Wednesday, May 18th around 2:30. On Friday, he was spotted on Arbrorlynn Drive at the curve in the road. He was spotted this morning (Sunday)...