Author: karen

Race Day Photos of 2012 Knee Knacker Volunteers

Here is our last set of Race Day photos taken by the various photographers.  This is a photo collection of some of the 250+ Knee Knacker Volunteers making it happen.  Thank you runners and volunteers!  Until next year. Volunteer Knee Knacker Photography Team  

More Race Day Photos from “She Saw”

Some runners trotted by drenched from head to toe.  Was it due to the sauna-like condition around the Seymour Grind or the Cold Sponge Spa treatment at Hyannis Aid Station?  To find out, check out Karen Chow’s photos from Seymour Grind to Hyannis Aid Station. Escaping the heat, humidity and especially the mozzies at Hyannis, the photo shoot continued...

Race Day Photos from the Perspective of…

A Volunteer Transport Crew – dropping off and picking up supplies from the Start line to the Finish line.  Photos by Andrew Wong A Knee Knackerer from the Start line to the Banquet.  Photos by Lori Wong

More Race Day Photos from Carol Browne

Check out Carol Browne Race Day photos before and after the Knee Knackerers cross the Finish line area.   High 5’s, hugs, exhaustion, relief, agony….can be found here.

Race Day Photos from Randy Atkinson

Check out Randy Atkinson (a Knee Knacker veteran) Race Day photos from: Black Mountain Aid Station LSCR (3rd Quarter Checkpoint) Hyannis Aid Station