Author: karen

May 26 – Training Run Photos – We Saw

Andrew planned to take photos of y’all running across Brother’s Creek.   All of you got there before he did!   Andrew Wong’s photos of Brother’s Creek sans runners are here. Karen Chow’s Hollyburn Chute train­ing run photos are here.

Trail Elves on Hollyburn Chute

Many thanks to Andrew, Aaron, Craig and Victor for clearing the many trees fallen on the Hollyburn Chute.  Just in time for the Knee Knacker Training Run on this section tomorrow!

May 12 Training Run Photos – She saw

A wet and muddy training day on the trails did not stop the enthusiasm of 70+ runners.  Many thanks to Andrew Wong for toting the umbrella up and down the trails – must protect the camera equipment!  Train­ing run photos by Karen Chow are here. Down­load pic­tures for a buck...