Panorama Park (Finish Line Area) Race Photos from Dave Cox
Check out David Cox’s Race Photos around the Finish Line Area here.
Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run
Saturday, July 12, 2025
Check out David Cox’s Race Photos around the Finish Line Area here.
Spectacular views, enthuastic Knee Knackerers, bugs and a hovering helicopter sums up Eagle Bluffs on Race Day. Herman, a Knee Knacker veteran, was the mosquito net cladded photographer on Eagle Bluffs. In the video footage, Herman can be seen running around finding a viewpoint to capture both runners and the helicopter. The results...
Alison Sydor concluded about the Hollyburn Lodge bug situation: “there are 8 seconds ’til you are swarmed……..bugs are now behind my glasses!” Alison was the mosquito net cladded photographer on the downhill portion towards Hollyburn Lodge. Check out Alison’s Race Day photos from the Hollyburn Lodge here. Note: Bugs are part of the flavour of Hollyburn...
Check out Imogene Huxham’s Race Day photos at the base of Grouse Mountain here.
Check out Karen Chow’s Race Day photos from the Start Line here.
Check out Ted Marchant’s Race Day photos by Hyannis Aid Station here.