Author: andrew

Knee Knacker Race Video Trailers

Two short video trailers created by our video director, Gary Horton, to celebrate our silver anniversary: Celebrating 25 Years of Knee Knacker 25 Years of Fabulous Volunteers  

She Said — June 2 trail run report

What a beautiful morning! We were greeted with blue skies and glorious sunshine while gathering in the parking lot at Panorama Park. Over 60 runners organized themselves into cars and carpooled over to Cleveland Dam. Before leaving, we mentioned our Trail Maintenance Day which is on Saturday, June 8. We...

Help us go Green at Aid Stations

REUSE YOUR CUP! In our efforts to reduce waste, please try to reuse the paper cups at the aid stations. If you have Coke or a sports drink, please ask the aid station volunteer to refill your cup again. This will help us with: less garbage creation; less clean-up; eliminate...

Welcome back to our aid station captains!

We would like to thank and wel­come back a fab­u­lous group of vol­un­teers, the aid sta­tion cap­tains, and extend a spe­cial wel­come to two new cap­tains this year: Ramsey Ezzat and Suzanne Pearce. Your Knee Knacker experience would not be the same without them and their amazing crew. Here’s where you...

June 8 Trail Day – Trail elves wanted!

Trail Day is fast approaching on Saturday, June 8 and we need your help! Every year this event is our way to give back to the community by maintaining and improving the trails we enjoy so much. You don’t need any special skills, tools, or equipment to participate–we’re simply looking...

She Said – May 26 trail run report

Well, we had about fifty runners out for our training run today. Our route was made possible by the efforts of Victor, Andrew and Karen who spent hours on Saturday clearing branches and removing trees from the Hollyburn Chute. Thank you so much!!! Throughout the week, Glenn and I were scratching...