She Said – Training run Rrport for June 29

Our run this past Sunday was the “First-Half” of the Knee Knacker Trail Run.
We met at ClevelandDam parking lot and shuttled to the start at Nelson Creek in West Vancouver. We had a solid crowd of over 40 runners, and once Glenn gave us the low down, were ready to tackle Black Mountain.
Well, I have one word to describe Sunday’s run: mud. You were sure to see it, and most likely, had to run through it. You could not avoid it. Mud – who knew that mud could come in every shade of brown and could be slick, slippery, and thick enough to suck your running shoe off! You just never knew when you put your foot in a mud puddle what the result would be….. The first section was great.
Sounds carries through Nelson Creek and the section of trail before the scree/rocky slopes. It was great to hear the laughter and talk of fellow runners and we puffed our way up and up and up. Once we caught our breath and enjoyed the incredible beauty at the top of Eagle Bluffs we re entered the forest. The air was very refreshing. Running around the little lakes at the top was great fun. I was so grateful for those boardwalks! You wouldn’t want to fall off and land in that mud!
The roots, rocks, and wood were slick due to the damp conditions of last week. However, weather seemed to cooperate for us. We had some mist, low cloud, and cool conditions – all great weather for running. The other section that was very muddy was from the Cypress downhill parking lot over to Hollyburn. One had to be extra careful going over the boardwalks and smaller bridges because of the slippery conditions. Once we entered the Hollyburn “chute” and wove our way down to the British Properties, the trail was in great shape. It was a great day for a run over Black Mountain!
We are now at the tapering part of our training. The base that you have built over the past few months is there. Increasing your mileage right now will not benefit you for race day. Hopefully, you have experimented with different types of fuel and food and have found something that works for you. During the race, the aid-stations will be loaded with an amazing assortment of food for you. Hammer is one of our sponsors, and will be also providing you will their gels, bars, and replacement drink. Sometimes we are tempted at the last minute to buy a new pair of socks or shoes or clothing. Stick to what has worked in the past and don’t try something new!
It is amazing what happens to your body over the course of 5-10 hours of running when for example, the new running shirt you bought the night before the race has a seam that rubs your skin raw, or your new running shoes don’t feel right and a nasty blister on your big toe becomes a nuisance. Rest and eat well next week. Try to get lots of sleep in the days leading up to the race. The night before will be filled with excitement and anticipation. Sleep for most, won’t come easy…. Besides, we are up and running before the roasters even think of rising!
Our final run will be the last quarter. We will meet in Deep Cove at 7:30 am and shuttle to Lynn Canyon Park. The run will be very strange to you as it will be very short. Don’t worry about it – just enjoy the fact that your legs won’t hurt so much for the rest of the day! Have a wonderful week. Enjoy the beautiful weather! We ordered a week of sunshine (the weather catalogue), to help dry up the trails and make them ready for race day 🙂
-patricia jensen
she said