July 2nd Sunday Training Run Update

Training run starts. Photo by Karen Chow
Our final Sunday run before the big event!!!
Our last Sunday Training Run is this Sunday! It is hard to believe that the Knee Knacker run is a little over a week away!
For our final run, we will be meeting at Panorama Park in Deep Cove on Sunday July 2nd at 7:30am. From there, we will car pool in our cars to LYNN CANYON PARK. We checked out the parking availability and there is ample parking IN the park that has no time restrictions. The gravel parking located just inside the park does, however, have a three hour limit, so be careful! There is also parking on the adjacent streets just outside the park that you could use as well.
We will be running the last quarter of the Baden Powell on Sunday. It will feel very short after all the incredible training that you have been doing these past few months!
See you all on Sunday and enjoy yourself out on the trails!
Glenn and Patricia