Tagged: start line

June 25, 2017 – Training run videos and photos from the first half

Here are Karen Chow’s videos and photos from the first half of the Knee Knacker. Video at the Start:  The energy of the group at Nelson Canyon Park.   Thank you runners for the enthusiasm. ? Black Mountain videos:   Runners demonstrating snow running technique during the descent from Black Mountain.   Missed some runners because the “record off”...

6 Sleeps before Registration Closes

“The start line: where the nerves, anticipation and hard work all collide and culminate. The energy is palpable, and the determination is inspiring.”   …Hilary Matheson 6 more sleeps before 2017 lottery registration closes on January 31, 2017 23:59PST.   On the evening of February 2, 2017, find out who will toe the 2017 start...

Prerace Glow at the 2016 Start line

“With smiles like these you’d never know the Pacific Ocean was falling from the sky that morning. #preraceglow”   …Tom Craik, 2016 Race committee member   “Registration for the 2017 Knee Knacker Lottery will open on December 31st, 2016 and close on January 31, 2017 (2359 PST).  The lottery will be held...

Rain Reigns Supreme at the 2016 Start Line

1992 – Year of the Gunman 1999 – Year of the Snow 2012 – Year of the Mud 2014 – Year of the Heat Wave 2015 – Year of the Forest Fires 2016 – Year of the Squall What will 2017 bring? “Registration for the 2017 Knee Knacker Lottery will...

Start line race day photos from Hilary Matheson

“Anticipation was high as racers readied themselves for whatever the day would bring, and a sense of excitement was palpable in the air – rain be damned.  So began the year of the squall(s).” ….Hilary Matheson Hilary Matheson’s race day photo during the squall at the start line can be found...