Tagged: finish line

Race finisher photos from Mike Jones (Finish times from 4h51m to 7h12m)

Mike Jones’ finishers race day photos for finish times between 4hrs 51mins to 7hrs 12mins are here.    Please see this post for finishing times after 7hrs 12mins. All Finisher line photos can be downloaded for free; there is no fee for finish line photos. (To download a finish line photo, click the...

Race finishers photos from Graham Johnson (Finish Times: 7h13m to 10h3m)

Graham Johnson’s finishers race day photos for finishing times between 7hrs 13mins to 10hrs 3mins are here.     Please see this post for finishing times before 7hrs 13mins. All Finisher line photos can be downloaded for free; there is no fee for finish line photos. (To download a finish line photo, click the desired photo’so that...

Race Day Photos from VFK

VFK’s race day photos from: Cleveland Dam are here. Panorama Park (Award Ceremonies) are here.

Race Day Photos from David Cox

David Cox’s race day photos from Panorama Park (Finish Line) are here. Note:  Many more race photo albums to be posted.