A fireside chat with Tom and…

Let’s play “Guess who?” The stud I’m thinking of grew up in Newfoundland. He holds the third fastest Knee Knacker time and his best friend’s name is Roxy. His wife ain’t no slouch in the ultra community and he’s an engaging speaker and one funny dude. Also, his beard may...

The delicate art of (Deep Cove) parking

For training runs that start or end at Panorama Park in Deep Cove, please be aware of local parking restrictions. We encourage all runners to carpool to all training runs to minimize traffic and parking congestion. (Alternately, you can paddle board into the park if you’re really keen.) Parking out near Deep Cove...

A “Party in the Park”!

I am thrilled to let you know about some changes to this year’s event. While the banquet has been a staple of our day for many years, your feedback over the last while is that it’s ‘good’ but not our hoped for ‘OUTSTANDING!’. So we’ve listened and this year, we...

No fooling! The unofficial training runs start April 1st

It’s that time of year already – the unofficial training runs begin April 1st. Meeting time and place is always 5:15pm at the Cleveland Dam parking lot off Nancy Greene Way in North Vancouver… … come on out to these free, fun and friendly training runs – it’s a great way...

Hotel options for out of town visitors

For those who may be visiting from out-of-town, Scott Galloway has kindly compiled a list of accommodation options… the North Shore has surprisingly few hotels for having a population upwards of 160,000. Please note that rates are approximate and do not include taxes or parking.

Indiana Jones and the lost race map

Some people have asked if we could publish our complete race-route map again. The race map was created for our 25th anniversary and, for a brief time, was available for viewing and downloading from the website. Unfortunately, we had to remove it as there were several errors in it. (No, we didn’t...