2010 Race Results

Here are the results as posted by Race Headquarters, the timing and race results company for the 2010 Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run: Links to results divided by by overall finishers, age groups, and split times (scroll down page to July). Overall results.

Race Day on Twitter

We’ve got about a half-dozen folks tweeting about us today during the race. Many thanks to those who are keeping us up to date. UPDATE July 11 – Now that the race is complete, we are replacing the live feed with this link to Twitter.

Volunteers – Thank You and Final Instructions

Thank you to all our volunteers – all positions have been FILLED. If you know your assignment, please show up at your position. If you are still unsure of your assignment, please contact me and I will put you in touch with one of our coordinators. Note that as all committee...

More Stats & Lists

Here are some up to date lists and charts for the 2010 race: List of Entrants (by sex/division) List of Entrants (by # KK finishes) Entrants Profile by # of  previous finishes (bar chart) Entrants Profile by Age Group (pie chart) We’ve also had some interesting submissions from a couple...