Category: Volunteers

Welcome Back Captains!!!

We would like to thank and wel­come back a fab­u­lous group of vol­un­teers – the aid station cap­tains – and extend a spe­cial wel­come to our new Black Mountain Captain, Nathan Barrett. Your Kneeknacker experience would not be the same with out them and their amazing crew. Here’s where you can find them...

We love our Volunteers!!!

Why is it awesome being the Knee Knacker Volunteer Coordinator? Because it’s still more than three months to race date and almost all of the roles for the first half of the course are already filled! Gotta love the Knee Knacker community! -Dennis Marchant

Registration for KKNSTR 2014 is open!

Hello and Happy New Year!  Planning for the 26th edition of the Knee Knacker has started and registration for 2014 is now open at the UltraSignup website.  Please note the improved process – you will only be charged a $10 fee to enter the lottery and if your name is...

Race Day Photos of 2013 Knee Knacker Volunteers

Here is our last set of Race Day Photos taken by the photog­ra­phy crew. It’s a photo collection of some of the 250+ Knee Knacker Volunteers as they: Donned mozzie hats to battle bugs throughout Cypress and Hollyburn; Provided Hawaiian atmosphere at Hyannis Aid Station along with Mr. Freezies; Dressed up in white dinner jacket and cowboy hat for Black...

What do race day sweeps do?

We’re less than a month away before race pre-and-post sweeps run the course to ensure your safety. But do you ever wonder what they do? Watch Kerry Ward’s video report from the 2012 race to find out. (Note: Sweeps don’t normally run the entire course, but Kerry and Ellie were...