Category: Community

Race Day Photos from “She saw”

Check out Karen Chow’s Race Photos from Eagle Bluffs.   Note:  The brown spots on some photos are bugs flying around Eagle Bluffs.  Yup, some were hungry. 🙁

Race Day Photos from Ken Blowey

Check out Ken Blowey’s race photos from: Start line Cypress Mountain Checkpoint (1Q) Note:  The pro­ceeds of all photo pur­chases are donated to North Shore Rescue.

2012 Race Check-in and Race Briefing Photos

Race Briefing Notes:  Mud, Hot, Lots of Bugs at Cypress, mud, very little snow, more mud, Ice at Aid Stations (cool…),  follow orange with black stripes trail markers… Karen Chow’s photos of July 13 Race Check-in and Race Briefing are here.