A “Party in the Park”!

I am thrilled to let you know about some changes to this year’s event. While the banquet has been a staple of our day for many years, your feedback over the last while is that it’s ‘good’ but not our hoped for ‘OUTSTANDING!’. So we’ve listened and this year, we will be having a “Party in the Park” at the finish line in Panorama Park directly after the race. We will still have dinner with Tommy’s Catering, awards for all finishers and great prizes. Our hope is that with this format, more people will be able to stay and enjoy the festivities. We are super excited about this change and hope that you are too.
I want to extend a particular thank you to the District of North Vancouver and Panorama Park for their support of our event and for allowing us to celebrate here. As we all know, Deep Cove is a stunningly beautiful spot for a finish line and we’ve assured the District and Panorama Park that our runners and volunteers will continue to be respectful of the surroundings and neighbours. We have even been granted permission to set up a Beer Garden and we look forward to announcing the local brewery we’ll be partnering with in the near future!
As with any big change, we’re still working out logistics, and we’re going to need to ensure we get an accurate RSVP count. So, for now, please plan on joining our inaugural “Party in the Park” and stay tuned for more details.