Race Day Photos from David Crerar
Check out David Crerar’s photos while volunteering as a Course Marshall at the Grouse Grind intersection.
Check out David Crerar’s photos while volunteering as a Course Marshall at the Grouse Grind intersection.
Check out Karen Chow’s photos from the Start Line (at Nelson Canyon).
Check out vfk’s Race Day photos from Cleveland Dam (halfway point in the race).
Check out Doug Gormican’s photos from around Hollyburn Lodge.
Below are the training run photos from July 4, 2010. Finish Line Area (Panorama Park) – Wolf Eilers and Karoline Eilers Deep Cove (9 Bridges) – Karen Chow
Thank you to the Knee Knackerers who did a mock start for Howard, one of the Start line photographer on Race day. As you climbed to Eagle Bluffs enveloped in clouds – yes, another photographer appeared out of the mist. Then as you nimbly ran, slipped, dove (one of you did...