She Said – May 26 trail run report
Well, we had about fifty runners out for our training run today. Our route was made possible by the efforts of Victor, Andrew and Karen who spent hours on Saturday clearing branches and removing trees from the Hollyburn Chute. Thank you so much!!!
Throughout the week, Glenn and I were scratching our heads to find an alternate route for our Sunday run. Many trails on the North Shore have been hit hard with fallen trees and debris. Because of this, it is VERY important that you check the website for any route changes.
Our next challenge is the Skyline trail as we are scheduled to run through it in June. Glenn made a detour today to check out the conditions of this trail and he said some of it was impassable…. Did I mention there was a slide as well? We will keep you posted on any route changes.
We were met with wind and cool air this morning, but once in the trails, it became humid as we made our way through the British Properties. It soon changed to a cool, damp air going up Hollyburn Chute. We certainly noticed the amount of “logging” done while we climbed. Did anyone see that one log that has not been removed from the trail? I had to tease Andrew about this while talking to him on Brother’s Creek bridge…. He told me that they left it there on purpose. I believe him. We hit snow in the last section of the Chute. Most runners continued past the Hollyburn Lodge and up through the cross-country ski trails.
Some runners who needed more running time opted to run through Capilano Canyon and/or go up to the Grouse parking lot.
We hope that you all enjoyed yourselves!
Next week, we are meeting at the Panorama parking lot in Deep Cove at 7:30am. From there we will carpool to Cleveland Dam.
Have a great week on the trails. Remember to get plenty of rest and drink chocolate milk, a great recovery drink after a hard run. (Plus, I just like chocolate.)
Editor’s note: It took seven trips with five volunteers–Craig and Victor (key volunteers), Aaron, Andrew, Karen–working at various times to brush out, flag, and clear the Hollyburn Chute over the past three weeks.