Knee Knacker Update – 3 Weeks to go!

Hello Knee Knacker Runners!
With 3 weeks until race day (we’ll all be celebrating at the Party-in-the-Park at this time!), I hope your training is going great, that you’re feeling a bit fatigued but strong + you’re looking forward to taper time soon! This is the ‘email of reminders’ and we need a few important things from you so please read on.
1. NEW THIS YEAR – Bus Signup Required
As in previous years, we provide a free bus shuttle to the start line from Panorama Park in Deep Cove. This year, you’ll need to park at Cove Cliff School (parking restrictions are in place at Panorama Park, but Cove Cliff has room) AND we need you to sign up to by July 6thensure you have a spot!
2. Party in the Park – RSVP required
We provide a meal at the Party in the Park to all runners and volunteers but you need to RSVP so we have enough food. You can also purchase a meal ticket for your friends + family members if you want to. Please RSVP by July 6th.
3. Volunteer Hours
Please complete the volunteer service requirement form by June 30th. As detailed on the page, the intention is to give back to our community in any way that resonates for you. This does not need to be trail or Knee Knacker related. Thank you for this!
4. Sponsor Love – NEW Knee Knacker Discount from Hammer Nutrition
We have fantastic sponsors + we are so grateful for their generosity. Please check them out + support them when you can.
A special discount has been offered from Hammer Nutrition – 20% off of all online orders. Just enter the code kneeknacker20 when you check out. Please refrain from sharing this on social media, but do enjoy the discount for you + your family! (volunteers are also eligible).
5. Fundraising – It’s On!
We are grateful for the fundraising efforts that our community does in support of North Shore Rescue (NSR). Over the years, the Knee Knacker has raised/donated over $108,000 to various organizations and we believe so strongly in this that each year we allocate one GUARANTEED entry to the top fundraiser – wouldn’t that be a great feeling to skip the lottery!
Barb Wilkins has been at the top of our leaderboard for the last 3 years and alone has raised over $10,000! Please consider setting up a fundraising page or donating directly to this great cause.
6. Knee Knacker 30th Celebration – We want your stories!
Cheers to 30 years! There is an incredible history in this run & we want to know what makes the Knee Knacker so special to you. Do you have an interesting, inspiring, or funny story about your experience with the Knee Knacker that you’d like to share with our community? We’d love to hear from you. Please submit your story ** max 250 words ** and/or photos to Katie Clegg via or FB messenger.
We all know that community is a big part of this run. Thank you in advance for sharing your memories, special moments & connections.
7. Volunteers – We love our volunteers!
We are so fortunate to have the best volunteers. Really. Though our spots usually fill up quickly, we still have some key roles with the Party-in-the-Park. Do you have family or friends that would like to hang out in beautiful Deep Cove & help Bev with the Party? Please send them to our volunteer sign up page. Thank you.
As I mention volunteers, I also want to highlight my Committee members who do cartwheels + handstands behind the scenes to make the Knee Knacker what it is. I am endlessly grateful for this incredible team who manages to balance full-time jobs, family, friends, hobbies & all that life entails in addition to really significant time commitments with Knee Knacker. My continued & sincere thanks.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at our big ¾ training run + out and about on the trails. Please reach out to me anytime – I love hearing how training is going & sharing the anticipation of the day.
Happy Training,