Tagged: Cypress Aid Station

2015 Knee Knacker Race Volunteers

This is the last set of 2015 Race Day photos. It’s a photo gallery of some of the 190 Knee Knacker volunteers as they: Lugged kegs of water to Black Mountain; Recruited Black Sabbath to serve water on Black Mountain; Ran Cleveland Dam aid station with the efficiency of a well oiled machine; Dressed as Vegas...

Race Day Photos from David Anderson

“The Trailblazers” – 112 Knee Knacker finishes between these five Knee Knackerers (… and counting).   David, Ron, Ron, Neil and Ean:  you have set and continue to raise the bar. David was registered to run the Knee Knacker this year but had to withdraw.    When the last minute call went out for...

Race Day Photos from Leigh Peterson

Leigh Peterson stepped in as a last minute photographer for the first-quarter stretch at the Cypress aid station. Her race day photos are here. (Thank you, Leigh, for volunteering, and to Ed Sargisson for reaching out to Leigh.)

Watch and experience the 2014 Knee Knacker race

With race day just over two weeks away, we figured this is the perfect time to share some inspiration. A huge thank you to Jeff Pelletier for putting together another fantastic Knee Knacker video and to Dave Melanson for capturing footage from our 2014 event. Enjoy!

Race Day Photos from Ken Blowey

Note:  All photos can be purchased as a digital download from our SmugMug site for a nominal fee of $1 (US) for each picture.  All photo proceeds generated from these sales are donated to North Shore Rescue. Ken Blowey’s race day photos from: Start line are here. Cypress Aid Station and 1Q Checkpoint are here. More race day galleries will...