2015 Knee Knacker Race Volunteers

This is the last set of 2015 Race Day photos. It’s a photo gallery of some of the 190 Knee Knacker volunteers as they:
- Lugged kegs of water to Black Mountain;
- Recruited Black Sabbath to serve water on Black Mountain;
- Ran Cleveland Dam aid station with the efficiency of a well oiled machine;
- Dressed as Vegas icons and had a poker table overload with buffet treats at LSCR;
- Dressed as toga-cladded Greeks to give cold sponge downs at Hyannis;
- Provided safety support (North Shore Search and Rescue);
- Checked the entire course immediately before, during and after the race;
- Organized aid stations;
- Set up a “Picnic in the Park” for 428 guests;
- Timed all the runners as they crossed each checkpoint;
- Marshalled, directed and cheered runners throughout the course;
- Transported tables all over the North Shore;
- Took several thousand shutter clicks (not kidding!), and then edited them down to a mere few-hundred;
- Supported and smiled throughout the rain and coolness of the day;
- Made sure everyone had a great Knee Knacker experience!
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! Check out this photo album.
Thank you runners and volunteers for the moments. Until next year.
Knee Knacker Photography Crew
The Journey to Hyannis, a Volunteer story
In the Greek city of Hyannis, a group of Citizens nervously awaited the first runners from the neighbouring state of Horseshoe Bay, over 200 stadions to the west. The journey normally required a full day’s travel, especially if one paused at the Cleveland Taverna or listened to oratory and song by Black Sabbath at the Cypress Amphitheatre. These honoured guests, however, were making haste to Deep Covus and had no time for such delays, even more so as philosopher and sage, Greg, was judging them at every quarter on the sundial.
Despite the hurried state of their guests, the Citizens, led by First Citizen, Pat, had prepared a sumptuous feast. The tables overflowed with roasted potatoes, watermelon, and gummi bears, along with flasks of HEED, a nectar of the gods created with healing salts, sugars, and other magical powders. As the fleet footed guests came into the city, the Citizens celebrated each arrival with much fanfare and attended to each runner’s every desire—grapes were plucked from vines and placed upon eager lips to nourish, sponge baths were given to refresh and soothe, and provisions were replenished to ensure continued success.
Some hours after the last runner had departed, with the elegant lines of the Ionic tent folded into an onyx slab, several of the Citizenry turned towards Pat and spoke with a single, powerful voice, “what are we going to do to beat this, next year?!”
Citizenry: Pat, Mike, Simon, Hans, Greg, Brennan, Patty