Website response time problem

“”Houston, we have a problem.” Yes, the Knee Knacker website has been very s-l-o-o-o-o-w for the past several days. And it’s not because your internet connection is clogged while you’ve downloading all three seasons of Game of Thrones. We’re investigating and hope to fix the problem in the next few days. In...

May 25 Training run photos – She saw

“”Too warm to complain about the cold, not wet enough to complain about the rain, not enough snow to complain about footing, too many fun people to complain about the company…or anything else. Living life at the apex of the bell curve.”   – He said (Glenn Pace) ““What goes up….....

Knee Knacker not loading on your mobile device?

If the updated Knee Knacker website doesn’t load on your smartphone or tablet – you just get a blank screen – then clear your browser’s cache and revisit the site. Clearing the cache will get rid of some website settings that causes the loading problem. (The loading problem does not...