Base of Grouse Mountain race day photos by Steve Yau

“Ah Grouse….one of the more challenging sections, both physically and mentally. Gnarly roots, inconveniently placed rocks, oh and a pretty intense climb to spoil any hope of digesting that Nutella sandwich you crushed at Cleveland. Also, Nancy Greene…WTF? I attempted to conceal myself in some foliage in an effort to...

Dark Side of Black Mountain Episode 2 race day photos

To summit Black Mountain, the runners had to resist the Dark Side of the force and face down Darth Vader.   Once successfully passing Darth Vader and the lone Stormtrooper, they were greeted by Luke Skywalker, Yoda and Princess Leia, who refueled them with refreshments and sent on their way with...

Dark Side of Black Mountain race day photo by Chris Bellamy

“It was great to see how happy (or slightly daunted) everyone was having finished the first climb of the route and setting off down hill. So many big smiles! Congratulations everyone.”  …Chris Bellamy, photographer  Chris Bellamy’s race day photos from the Dark Side of Black Mountain in this photo album....

Panorama Park, Kids race and Award Ceremony race day photos

One of the highlights at Panorama Park was hearing the cheers getting louder as each runner race to the finish line before the 4pm cutoff.   The loudest was given to Ken Nakano as he crossed the finish line with 8 seconds to spare! Karen Chow’s race day photos from Panorama...

Start line race day photos from Salvador Miranda

Runners: you were not having illusions when you think you saw Salvador throughout the course.  He was at the Start line, at the descent from Black Mountain and at the Finish line from 10:30am to 4pm.  Salvador (3 times Knee Knacker finisher) did the photographer’s version of the Knee Knacker....