Congratulations for getting into the 2014 KneeKnacker Trail Race! So now the fun part….Training and preparing for the run!

We would like to extend an invitation to all runners – both selected and not selected for this year’s race to come to an Information Night at the Salomon Store at Park Royal South.
If this is your first ultra, or you have signed up for other ultras this year, come on out and listen to the experts talk about footwear, clothing, fuel (not for the stove!), training, and some personal running experiences. There will be time for questions.
We will have draw prizes and refreshments. Seating is limited to 75. Please arrive early so you won’t be disappointed.
Where: Salomon Store, Park Royal South (across from Whole Foods)
Time: 7:00 – 8:00pm
Hope to see you there!
Patricia Jensen
Virginia Mason