2022 Race day photos from Panorama Park Set 2 by Salvador Miranda
“Having been there, I know the feelings when you finally make it to Panorama Park: pain accumulated over 48km and perhaps a few falls along the gnarly trails giving you some blood-stained knees, then trying to sprint those last 100 metres with all the energy you didn’t know you had left, as the clock ticks away merciless and you’d like to cross before the next minute. The deep emotion that you have made it. The first time I made it, now seen in retrospect, was easy (if anything like this can be called easy), the second one was even better, but the third one, after six years of absence, was unforgiving. That last time I crossed that arch was not as dramatic as for Miguel, as I had a huge 15 minutes to spare, but I did realize that it could have well been the last time, and I burst into tears as soon as I crossed. I chatted about this with the veterans that were hanging around, as we saw some of the old-time Knee Knacker veterans not making it this time around.
The experience of not making it is also known to me: one year, between my second and third finishes, I had been sick and unable to train, but on race day I decided to go for it anyways. I made it to Cleveland Dam, but I could barely continue up Nancy Green Way, and I called it a day by the Grouse gate.
Taking pictures of this race has made me relive those glorious moments one more time and, who knows, I may give it a try again” …Salvador Miranda, 3 times Knee Knacker finisher.
Here is Salvador’s final set of race day photos from Panorama Park (Finish line area).
- Finish line area photos are in this photo album
- “Pain and Glory” on runners’ faces at the final stretch are in this photo album.
Note: The proceeds of all photo purchases are donated to North Shore Search and Rescue. Each photo is a digital download (without the KKNSTR watermark) for $2CAD.