May 2nd Runners’ Night – Important Info!

Please note: we fully expect to ’sell out’ this (free) event. To meet fire regulations, we must limit the total number of people to 85 so it will be on a first-come, first-served basis. (Please don’t ask for a lottery! ?)
We will start distributing tickets at the door at 6:15pm and when they’re gone, they’re gone. The panel will be from 7:00pm-8:00pm, door prizes until 8:15pm and doors will close at 9:00pm.
For those who can’t make it, we will live-stream the panel discussion and will take questions from our fb group. Thank you to Gregan Dunn and Enzo Federico for setting this up and to Scott Galloway for organizing the overall evening!
For the live-stream, please click on the following link and post your questions on this thread.
Our continued thanks to Ginni and her team at Salomon West Vancouver for hosting (and extending the extra discount all day) and to our 5 champions who will be joining this special panel!
I look forward to seeing everyone,