June 1 training run: politeness makes you faster and happier

Yesterday’s Knee Knacker training run couldn’t have been more perfect. A nice blend of laughing, story-telling and hard work. Thanks to everyone who was able to come out and contribute their positive energy. It’s people that make difficult training runs hurt less.
On a slightly serious note, please be mindful that a quick smile, head nod or hello goes a long way on busy trails. There are many people, especially in the Quarry Rock area, who are new to the trails and aren’t certain about trail etiquette. We take our trail experiences for granted sometimes and forget how unnerving it can be when a group of runners steams by us without warning. Some of these folks, high heels and purses in tow, may already be unsteady on their feet.
So…even though you may get no response, please be overly friendly out there in order to preserve the amazing reputation the Knee Knacker community already has. You may have to say hello 150 times between Quarry Rock and Panorama Park, but it’ll benefit everyone who comes through behind you.
Happy training until next week at Panorama Park.
Tom Craik