Important Parking Information for Training Runs

Happy Sunny Thursday everyone… Summer makes a brief appearance on the West Coast!
For those participating in the official training run this Sunday (or the unofficial training runs on Wednesdays), there is some critical parking information below:
- Grouse Mountain is undergoing a major “upgrade” of its gravel parking lot. They will be paving & lighting it over the next few weeks, so it is currently closed.
- For this Sunday’s training run, we will meet in the west (paved parking lot) near the portables/washrooms to the south. If you are driving, you will need to bring some method of payment as Grouse charges for parking on all of their paved lots.
- There is some recent construction near Cleveland Dam and a large section of the existing parking lot is a construction staging area. We’ll continue to monitor their use.
In the meantime, we encourage you to carpool, take transit (or jog to the start if feasible!) in order to reduce congestion.
Thanks and see you Sunday,
– Glenn Pace