May 11 – Training Run photos from Pat Malaviarachchi
Pat Malaviarachchi’s training run photos from Lynn Headwaters Regional Park are here.
Pat Malaviarachchi’s training run photos from Lynn Headwaters Regional Park are here.
Karen Chow’s training run photos from: Base of Grouse Mountain are here. Lynn Headwaters Regional Park are here.
Can you believe it? Apart from the highest points on Black Mountain, the Baden-Powell trail is mostly snow-free and calling on the Knee Knacker for excited trail runners already. What perfect timing. Our weekly training runs begin in a few short weeks on Sunday, May 4th. Your base might be...
The Hollyburn Chute section of the Baden Powell is in great shape this year. After inspecting it today, we can report that it’s basically snow free, save for a few short patches south of the Blue Gentian Lake trail junction. North of the junction, there’s still continuous snow about 60cm-90cm...
With the gorgeous weather coming around, what better way to kickstart your training (and meet lots of great trailrunners) than by attending the unofficial training runs. Meeting place is the Cleveland Dam parking lot in North Vancouver, on the left hand side of Nancy Greene Way as you head towards...